To those who had conflicting perspectives in regards to what she personified , well she’d blow smoke into their faces, with an air of nonchalance. “Their opinions are irrelevant.” She just wouldn’t give a damn. Unabashedly she was never one for conformity. She was never afraid to voice her opinion and do what she wanted as apposed to what the majority aligned to. She was a natural born leader with undeniable charisma and a yearning for individuality. She was Earth , wind , water and fire , truly everything in its extremity. She wasn’t polished like all the other queen bees , she was a little disheveled . She was psychotic , despairing and filled with infinite flaws. People still loved her though. I don’t blame them. She may have been falling off the rails and incredibly naive at times but beneath the exterior was indefinitely a heart filled with pure gold. She was so real , so intense and good. God she was so ridiculously beautiful. Her style was a true representation of her wild nature , an extension of who she was. Her emotions were so crazed. Perhaps she was suffering and had an appetite for self destruction but she drowned her sorrows in partying. We all thought she was utterly perfect despite her obvious flaws. Tragedy loves her and she evidently loves tragedy..The stars were falling from her crown and one day her pain could flood entire galaxies.
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